Tensioned Cable Hardware

For sleek, architectural impact, the Tensioned Cable System offers an engineered appearance that allows displayed items to “float” in front of a wall surface or reside tensioned between the ceiling and the floor. Using specialized picture hanging hardware, the cable is attached from an upper track down to a lower track, allowing the cable to be tensioned between the upper and lower points. The result is a sophisticated, modern look that features parallel cables running from above to below the hanging object and the cables.

Tensioned Cable Hanging System hardware can be used to add tension to any of Hanging cable-based hanging systems. Alternatively, you can use our standoff components, or point-to-point piers, in place of tracks to create a clean, organized, and aesthetically pleasing display. The pier-based system is recommended if you are looking to create a permanently mounted display. Ideal uses include window merchandising, visual space dividers, directional signage, art, municipal announcements or even café menus. If you plan to reposition your cables and rods frequently, a track system is your best bet.

The tensioned cable system allows you to create displays with an artistic-edge, which will complement most commercial construction, office buildings and contemporary spaces.

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