10 mil Black 100% Opaque Backing Film



10 mil Black 100% Opaque Backing Film•

i10 mil Black 100% Opaque Backing Film
Low-Melt Thermalnt adhesive 185° F

• 100% white opaque laminating film designed for the production of two-sided images 

without light transference for point of purchase and trade show display applications
• Protects graphic images against moisture, handling and abrasion
Product Number: KJ10BOTBACK
Thickness: 10 mil
Typical Performance Values
The following information on physical and chemical characteristics is based upon tests
believed to be reliable. The values are intended only as a source of information. They are
given without guarantee and do not constitute a warranty. The purchaser should independently determine, prior to use, the suitability of this material for his/her specific purpose. (Data represents averages and is not intended for use as a specification.)

Laminating Temperature Range: 185° F to 195° F
Coefficient of Friction of Base Film Side: 0.45 to 0.55
Surface Tension (dyne-adhesive side): 44 to 52
Tensile (MD/TD): 9300/10500
Elongation (% MD/TD): 135/125
Yield – in²/lb.: 2470
Bond Strength (p/i): 15 (laminated to itself)
Shelf Life: 2 year from ship



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