3 mil Heat-Assist Luster PVC



3 mil Heat-Assist Luster PVC


Canvas laminate – conforms to canvas surface. Great for trade show and POP graphics.

Heat-Assist 3 mil Luster PVC Laminate
• Application Temperature 185° F – 210° F
• Application Speed 1’-6’ per minute
• Bonds to inkjet output with high ink coverage, even inkjet prints printed on photo gloss
• Can be fl ush trimmed without danger of delamination.
• Excellent for textured images, laminating a collage, or images that are die-cut.
Product Number: KJHALUSTER
Adhesive: Heat-Activated Acrylic
Film: 2 mil PVC
Liner: Paper
Typical Performance Values
The following information on physical and chemical characteristics is based upon tests
believed to be reliable. The values are intended only as a source of information. They are
given without guarantee and do not constitute a warranty. The purchaser should independently determine, prior to use, the suitability of this material for his/her specific pupose. (Data represents averages and is not intended for use as a specification.)
Durability: Outdoor: 3 months will only show
inconsequential changes in
properties of this product
Heat Resistance Range Temperature: 70°C – 95°C (158°F – 203°F)
Peel Strength (20 min, FTM1): 18 N/25mm
Shelf Life: 1 year from ship date when stored in
proper conditions 70° F and 50%
relative humidity







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