3M 3620 Matte Scotchcal Overlaminate



3M 3620 Matte Scotchcal Overlaminate
This overlaminate adds an extra measure of long-term durability to selected 2-mil premium sign graphics that are inkjet printed.
Luster finish overlaminate for digitally imaged backlit sign faces.

3M Overlaminate Scotchcal 3619 3620
Product Bulletin 3619/3620 – Release A, August 2015
Product Description
• Flexible, conformable, and more durable
• Thermoformable
• Expected performance life of 6 years (unwarranted period applied to a flat, vertical, outdoor surface)
Recommended Types of Graphics and End Uses
• Signage
These are typical values for unprocessed product. Processing may change the values.
Performance Characteristics
Warranty Information
All 3M graphic protection products are covered by the 3M Basic Product Warranty.
A warranty period may be offered based on the graphic construction and application details. Always refer to the 3M Product Bulletin for the 3M
base film or flexible substrate you are using to determine if the graphic protection product you want to use is recommended and what, if any
warranty period is offered.
Warranty information including limitations and exceptions and warranty periods for this product can be found at 3Mgraphics.com/
Characteristic Value
Material Vinyl
Cast or non-Cast Cast
Thickness 2 mils
Gloss 3619: Luster
3620: Matte
Liner Kraft paper
Lamination Temperature 50 to 100 ?F (10 to +32 ?C)
In Use Temperature Range -65 to +150 ?F (-54 to +66 ?C)
Chemical Resistance
• Resists mild alkalis, mild acids, and salt
• Excellent resistance to water (does not include immersion)
• Resists occasional fuel spills
Flammability test data may be available for the graphic product and
application you require. ASTM E84 test reports are available on the Online
Product Catalog at 3Mgraphics.com (select a product and view its
Literature tab) or call 3M at 1-800-328-3908.

3M ID 75347187140
UPC 00051128806449
3M ID 75347187157
UPC 00051128806463
3M ID 75347183263

3M™ Scotchcal™ Matte Overlaminate 3620, 54 in x 50 yd
3M ID 75347187157 UPC# 00051128806463
3M™ Scotchcal™ Matte Overlaminate 3620, 48 in x 50 yd
3M ID 75347187140 UPC# 00051128806449
3M™ Scotchcal™ Matte Overlaminate 3620, Miscellaneous Sizes
3M ID 75347183263

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