
3M Scotchcal Luster Overlaminate 8509



3M Scotchcal Luster Overlaminate 8509

3M Scotchcal Luster Overlaminate 8509
3 Mil Calendered Vinyl ScotchcalTM Luster Overlaminate.
• Up to 4 year expected performance life.
• Protects graphics from moisture, abrasion, and UV.
• Designed for use on flat surfaces and simple curves.
• Now UL approved for indoor floors, providing protection from dirt and foot traffic for up to 3 months.
• Clear, permanent adhesive.–&fn=Scothccal%208509%20(Luster).pdf

  • 3M 8509 Scotchcal Overlaminate.
  • These overlaminates are approved for use with selected piezo ink jet printers to provide graphics additional ultraviolet and physical protection.
  • Their unique adhesive allows hot or cold temperature lamination. CP designates that the size is compatible with the HP CP Series printers.

Product Description Overlaminate 8509 is a clear 3-mil vinyl film that provides ultraviolet and physical
protection to digitally-imaged graphics made with 3M promotional graphic films when used
according to 3M’s written instructions. It is designed for cold roll lamination only.
Characteristics All values are typical for unprocessed film and are not for use in specifications. Contact your
3M representative for a custom specification.
Physical and Application
Characteristic Value
Film 3-mil vinyl
Color Clear
Gloss Luster
Film thickness Without adhesive: 3 mil (0.076 mm)
With adhesive: 4.0 – 5.0 mil (0.102 – 0.127 mm)
Adhesive type Pressure sensitive, permanent
Adhesive color Clear
Liner Paper
Application method Cold roll lamination
Finished graphic
exposure temperature
-65° to +225°F (-54° to +107°C )
not to exceed the range of any other component used in the
Warranty and Durability
3M Basic Product Warranty This product has been tested and is believed to be a good product when used as
recommended in this bulletin. The film is covered by the 3M Basic Product Warranty and is
guaranteed to be free of physical and manufacturing defects. There is no warranty for
printability, visual appearance, fitness for use or durability. See the 3M Graphics Market
Center Warranty Brochure for the complete warranty and remedy details.
Expected Performance Life Same as the 3M promotional product to which it is applied.
Warranty and
Limited Remedy
The following is made in lieu of all other express or implied warranties, including any im­
plied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or implied warranty
arising out of a course of dealing, custom or usage of trade: all 3M products are warranted
to be free of defects in materials and manufacture at the time of shipment and to meet the
specifications stated in this Product Bulletin. 3M will replace or refund the price of any 3M
materials that do not meet this warranty within the specified time periods. These remedies
are exclusive. In no case shall 3M be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential
damages, including any labor or non-3M materials charges.
See the Graphics Market Center Warranty Brochure, which gives the terms, additional limi­
tations of the warranty, if any, and limitations of liability.
Fabrication Be sure the ink and film is completely dry or UV ink is properly cured before applying this
Apply this overlaminate with cold roll lamination according to the laminator manufacturer’s
recommendations. See Instruction Bulletin 4.22 for additional information.Product Bulletin 8509 – 2
Shelf Life, Storage and
Activity Recommendations
Shelf life Total shelf life: 2 years
Up to 2 years unprocessed, OR
Up to 1 year processed and applied within 1 year of processing
Storage conditions • 86°F (30°C) maximum
• Out of direct sunlight
• Clean, dry area
• Original container
Shipping finished
Refer to the base film’s Product Bulletin.
Health and Safety
CAUTION When handling any chemical products, read the manufacturers’ container labels and the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for important health, safety and environmental inform­
ation. To obtain MSDS sheets for 3M products go to, or by mail or in case of
an emergency, call 1-800-364-3577 or 1-651-737-6501.
When using any equipment, always follow the manufacturers’ instructions for safe
3M Related Literature Before starting any job, be sure you have the most current Product and Instruction
The information in 3M Product and Instruction Bulletins is subject to change. Current
Bulletins are available at The following applicable Bulletins provide
information and processes you need to properly make the graphics described in this
Bulletin. Additional Bulletins may be needed as indicated in the 3M Related Literature
section of other 3M components you use.
Subject Type
Bulletin types: PB = Product Bulletin; PB-IB = Product & Instruction Bulletin; IB = Instruction Bulletin
Cold roll lamination IB 4.22
Storage, handling, maintenance, removal IB 6.5
Warranties 3M Graphics Center Warranty Brochure
3M and Scotchcal are trademarks of 3M.
Bulletin Change Summary Added the word “vinyl” to product description.

3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, 61 in x 50 yd
3M ID 75347091078 UPC# 00051128802274
3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, 54 in x 100 yd
3M ID 75347179402 UPC# 00051128804841
3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, 30 in x 50 yd
3M ID 75347186365 UPC# 00051128806890
3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, Sample Roll, 54 in x 5 yd
3M ID 75347091011 UPC# 00051128802236
3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, 61 in x 100 yd
3M ID 75347090963 UPC# 00051128794685
3M™ Scotchcal™ Luster Overlaminate 8509, 54 in x 50 yd
3M ID 75347090955 UPC# 00051128794678

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