8 oz Strip Mesh Plus Banner



8 oz Strip Mesh Pro Banner

Strip Mesh Plus is an 8 oz. PVC coated polyester mesh that comes with a PVC backing and is printable on one side with UV, solvent or screen printers.  The back-side of the mesh has a protective and air-tight backer which prevents ink spray through when printing and helps feed the material through the printer.  This backer may be easily peeled off after printing.  Strip Mesh Plus is best suited for front-lit signs and banners and allows 37% air-flow through.  This product is available without a PVC backer, called UltraMesh Plus.  Strip Mesh Plus is available in widths ranging from 54” – 126”.


SMP137050 54″ X 164′ 737.06 67 lbs
SMP160050 63″ X 164′ 860.80 83 lbs
SMP183050 72″ X 164′ 984.54 90 lbs
SMP203050 80″ X 164′ 1092.14 105 lbs
SMP250050 98″ X 164′ 1345.00 120 lbs
SMP320050 126″ X 164′ 1721.60 157 lbs

13 oz Banner Material

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