
Arlon DPF 6000XRP Wrap Kit



Arlon DPF 6000XRP Wrap Kit

Arlon DPF 6000XRP Wrap Kit
Kit includes one roll of DPF 6000XRP film and one roll.
of Series 3220 gloss finish 2 Mil cast overlaminate.

DPF 6000XRP Vinyl Film
With X-scape Technology
Premium Cast Digital Print Pressure Sensitive Vinyl Film
DPF 6000XRP is a 2-mil (50 micron) gloss white cast film with bubble releasing, tinted, repositionable, permanent pressure-sensitive
adhesive. The X-scape system allows installers to achieve speedy installation while maintaining a high enough tack to ensure long
term bond. Designed for large format graphics, DPF 6000XRP is made of premium quality cast face stock with a lay-flat liner.
The adhesive system is designed to provide excellent opacity, as well as easy installation. The film provides superior conformability
around rivets, curves, and contours. DPF 6000XRP is rated for outdoor durability up to 7 years (unprinted). Printed durability is
dependent on the ink system used.
• Digital printing with a wide variety of direct print systems.
• Fleet and vehicle applications.
• Used in conjunction with Series 3200, 3220, or 3350 overlaminates*
* DPF 6000XRP and Series 3350 are not warranted around compound curves.
Spandex Asia Pacific, Sydney – Adelaide – Brisbane – Melbourne – Perth
9 Hamley Road, Mt Kuring-gai, NSW 2080 | Freecall 1800 683 311 | Belfield 1800 069 299
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Actual weathering durability depends on surface preparation, surface maintenance and exposure
conditions. Successful weather resistance is characterized by the retention of legibility. DPF
6000XRP will resist weathering best when applied to vertical or upper outboard angles. Horizontal
angles, such as hood and auto roof surfaces, will deteriorate more quickly than vertical. This is
due to increased exposure to sun and moisture, as well as high deposition of dirt and atmospheric
contaminants. Arlon does not recommend its film for horizontal or close horizontal applications.
Use heat and/or chemical when removing image from vehicle (see Installer Handbook for details).
The following is made in lieu of all warranties expressed or implied:
All statements, technical information and recommendations published by Arlon relating to Arlon
products are based on tests believed to be reliable and within the accuracy of the equipment used
to obtain the specific values. Their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and Arlon makes
no warranty with regard thereto. Seller’s and manufacturer’s only responsibility shall be to replace
any quantity of the product proved defective. Seller and manufacturer shall not be liable for injury,
loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of use or the inability to use the product.
Nor shall seller or manufacturer be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the processing
or printing on the product. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for
its intended use. User assumes all risk and liability of every nature in connection therewith. No
statements or recommendations other than those contained in the technical information published
by Arlon shall have force or effect unless contained in an agreement manually signed by the
officers of seller and manufacturer.

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