Avery 700 Series Colors HIGH GLOSS



Avery 700 Series Colors HIGH GLOSS

Avery 700 Series Colors HIGH GLOSS
(Formerly A6)
• Made in the U.S.A.
• 6 yr outdoor durability.
• Thermal printable.
• Not edge stripped.
• 3 mil calendered vinyl.
• High quality solvent-based adhesive.



Superior cutting and weeding
Very good dimensional stability
Conformable to flat and simple curved surfaces
High opacity
Extensive range of popular colours
Brilliant cast-like gloss finish
Up to 6 year outdoor durability – Asia Pacific
Contrasting blue backing on 700 white and 730 matt white for easy weeding


Film: 64 micron polymeric
calendered vinyl

Adhesive: Permanent acrylic

Backing: One side coated
Kraft paper, 130 g/m2

Outdoor life:
Up to 8 years – Middle Europe
Up to 6 years – Asia Pacific

Colours: 120 standard
Flat bed cutters Cold overlaminating
Friction fed cutters Estat printing
Die cutting Water based inkjet
Thermal transfer Solvent inkjet
Screen printing UV Cured inkjet
Common Applications
Flat sided trucks
Cars and vans
Architectural signage
Directional signage
Window graphics
Point of purchase Uses
Avery 700 Series is a premium calendered film and offers excellent value for
money and a brilliant selection of colours for a wide range of medium term
outdoor or indoor general signage applications where conformability to flat and
simple curved surfaces and 6 year outdoor performance is required.

Graphics & Reflective Products Division Asia Pacific

Caliper, facefilm ISO 534 64 micron
Caliper, facefilm & adhesive ISO 534 90 micron
Dimensional stability DIN 30646 0.25 mm max
Adhesion, initial FINAT FTM-1, stainless steel 460 N/m
Adhesion, ultimate FINAT FTM-1, stainless steel 660 N/m
Flammability Self extinguishing
Shelf life Stored at 22° C/50-55% RH 2 years
Accelerated ageing SAE J 1960 1500 hours exposure No negative impact on
film performance
Durability ** Vertical exposure
Black & white up to 6 years
Colours & transparent up to 5 years
Metallics up to 3 years
Application temperature Minimum: + 10o
Temperature range – 40o
C to + 110o
Humidity resistance 200 hours exposure No effect
Corrosion resistance 120 hours exposure No contribution to
Water resistance 48 hours immersion time No effect
Chemical Solvent Resistance
Test Fluid: Immersion Time:
Diesel oil 1 hour No effect
Antifreeze 4 hours No effect

Information on physical characteristics is
based upon tests we believe to be reliable.
The values listed herein are typical values
and are not for use in specifications.
They are intended only as a source of
information and are given without
guarantee and do not constitute a
warranty. Purchasers should independently
determine, prior to use, the suitability of
any material for their specific use.

All technical data is subject to change
without prior notice.


Avery® materials are manufactured under
careful quality control and are warranted to
be free from defect in material and
workmanship. Any material shown to our
satisfaction to be defective at the time of
sale will be replaced without charge. Our
aggregate liability to the purchaser shall in
no circumstances exceed the cost of the
defective materials supplied. No salesman,
representative or agent is authorised to
give guarantee, warranty, or make any
representation contrary to the foregoing.

All Avery® materials are sold subject to the
above conditions, being part of our
standard conditions of sale, a copy of
which is available on request.


Durability is based on exposure conditions
in the Asia Pacific region. Actual
performance life will depend on substrate
preparation, exposure conditions and
maintenance of the marking. For instance,
in the case of signs facing north in the
southern hemisphere or south in the
northern hemisphere; in areas of long high
temperature exposure such as northern
Australia; in industrially polluted areas or
high altitudes, exterior performance will
be decreased.

Metallic films are not recommended or
warranted when applied on non-vertical

***Information unavailable at time of

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