Avery Specialty Films 100 SPF 1000



Avery Specialty Films 100 SPF 1000

Avery Specialty Films 100 SPF 1000
8 Mil Optically Clear Ultra- Conformable Protection Film.
• Provides superior protection of painted surfaces from stone chips, road debris, bug stains and weathering.
• Protective film for use in automotive, marine, RV and architectural markets.
• Adhesive system designed for the new generation of automotive clear-coats.
• 8 mil polyurethane film.
• Permanent acrylic adhesive.
• SPF 1000 can be removed from a vehicle at any time by picking up a corner and stretching the film somewhere between a 0° and 45°angle. As the film is being stretched it will start to pop off of the surface and should remove cleanly.
• 5 year outdoor durability.


SPF 1000
Surface Protection Film

Premium quality, ultra conformable polyurethane film
Designed to be used as a protective film in automotive, RV, marine and
architectural markets
Superior protection of painted surfaces from stone chips, road debris, insect
stains and weathering
Exceptional optically clarity
Outstanding durability and outdoor life
Excellent UV, temperature, humidity and salt-spray resistance
Excellent adhesion to new generation of automotive clear coats
Common Applications

Recreational Vehicles

Film: 203 micron gloss clear
aliphatic polyurethane film

Adhesive: Permanent acrylic

Backing: Two side PE coated
StaFlat paper

Outdoor life: Up to 5 years
Application surface: Flat,
simple curves, and compound
Flat bed cutters Cold overlaminating
Friction fed cutters Estat printing
Die cutting Water based inkjet
Thermal transfer Solvent inkjet
Screen printing Mild solvent inkjet
Avery SPF1000 Surface Protection film is designed as an optically clear film,
ideal for superior protection of painted surfaces from stone chips, road debris,
insect stains and weathering. Used as a protective film in automotive, RV,
marine and architectural markets.

Graphics Division Australia & New Zealand
Tel +1800 888 560
Fax +1800 888 561


Caliper, facefilm ISO 534 203 micron
Caliper, facefilm & adhesive ISO 534 230 micron
Dimensional stability DIN 30646 ***
Tensile strength DIN 53455 ***
Elongation DIN 53455 250% minimum
Gloss ISO 2813, 20º ***
Gravelometer SAE J400 No ruptures. 3C minimum
Adhesion, initial ASTM 1000, stainless steel 525 N/m
Adhesion, ultimate ASTM 1000, stainless steel 735 N/m
Gel coated fibreglass 578 N/m
Auto OEM 543 N/m
Flammability Self extinguishing
Shelf life Stored at 22° C/50-55 % RH 2 years
Durability ** Vertical exposure up to 5 years outdoor
Application temperature Minimum: + 10o
Temperature range – 46o
C to + 66o
Resistant to most petroleum based oils, greases and aliphatic solvents
Resistant to most mild acids, alkalies, and salts
Resistant to humidity and water

Information on physical characteristics is
based upon tests we believe to be reliable.
The values listed herein are typical values
and are not for use in specifications.
They are intended only as a source of
information and are given without
guarantee and do not constitute a
warranty. Purchasers should independently
determine, prior to use, the suitability of
any material for their specific use.

All technical data is subject to change
without prior notice.


Avery® materials are manufactured under
careful quality control and are warranted to
be free from defect in material and
workmanship. Any material shown to our
satisfaction to be defective at the time of
sale will be replaced without charge. Our
aggregate liability to the purchaser shall in
no circumstances exceed the cost of the
defective materials supplied. No salesman,
representative or agent is authorised to
give guarantee, warranty, or make any
representation contrary to the foregoing.

All Avery® materials are sold subject to the
above conditions, being part of our
standard conditions of sale, a copy of
which is available on request.


The durability is based on Australian
exposure conditions. Actual performance
life will depend on substrate preparation,
exposure conditions and maintenance of
the marking. For instance, in the case of
signs facing north; in areas of long high
temperature exposure such as northern
Australia; in industrially polluted areas or
high altitudes, exterior performance will
be decreased.

***Information unavailable at time of

Dimensional stability:
Is measured on a 150 x 150 mm aluminium panel to which
a specimen has been applied; 72 hours after application
the panel is exposed for 48 hours to + 70°C, after which
the shrinkage is measured.

(FTM-1, FINAT) is measured by peeling a specimen at a
180° angle from a stainless steel or float glass panel, 24
hours after the specimen has been applied under
standardised conditions. Initial adhesion is measured 20
minutes after application of the specimen.

A specimen applied to aluminium is subjected to the flame
of a gas burner for 15 seconds. The film should stop
burning within 15 seconds after removal from the flame.

Temperature range:
A specimen applied to stainless steel is exposed at high
and low temperatures and brought back to room
temperature. 1 hour after exposure the specimen is
examined for any deterioration. Note: Prolonged
exposure to high and low temperatures in the presence of
chemicals such as solvents, acids, dyes, etc. may
eventually cause deterioration.
Chemical Resistance:
All chemical tests are conducted with test panels to which
a specimen has been applied. 72 hours after application
the panels are immersed in the test fluid for the given test
period. 1 hour after removing the panel from the fluid, the
specimen is examined for any deterioration.

Corrosion Resistance:
A specimen applied to aluminium is exposed to saline mist
(5% salt) at 35ºC. After exposure, the film is removed and
the panel is examined for traces of corrosion.

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