Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique II 310gsm


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Baryta Photographique II 310gsm
Canson® Infinity Baryta Photographique II 310 gsm –
The next generation of Baryta Photographique, offers photographers and printers the
opportunity of creating a photograph with the true look and feel of a traditional darkroom
print with improved handling and finishing characteristics.
Baryta Photographique II has a true 100% barium sulphate layer (baryta) which offers
exceptional contrast and detail as well as a wide colour gamut. The product has an
extremely high D-Max (black point) to produce black and white images with depth and
clarity and colour images with vibrancy and intensity. The new generation product has a
more structured surface aspect which is reminiscent of the traditional fibre-based
darkroom papers and a fine satin finish.
With excellent handling characteristics, Baryta Photographique II can be used in a wide
range of applications and is offered in sheets and rolls up to 60” wide.
References and size
For the Baryta Photographique II product
Weight (gsm) 310
Thickness (um) 305
Surface feel Extra smooth
Surface finish Satin
Composition 100% alpha-cellulose
CIE Whiteness 96,30
Acid free paper Yes
OBA content Very low
Drying time Immediate
Water resistance High
ISO 2471 Opacity 98
Internally buffered Yes
Additional comments
– Paper base meet the requirement of
ISO 9706
– Contains barium sulphate
– Optimised for pigmented inks.
Compatible with dye inks.
Technical specifications
For the Baryta Photographique II product
Reference Format Packaging
C400110544 5″ x 7″
12.7 x 17.8 cm
Box – 25 sheets
C400110545 8.5″ x 11″ Pochette – 10
C400110546 8.5″ x 11″ Box – 25 sheets*
C400110547 A4 Pochette – 10
C400110548 A4 Box – 25 sheets
C400110549 11″ x 17″
27,9 x 43,2 cm
Box – 25 sheets*
C400110550 A3 Box – 25 sheets
C400110551 13”x 19”
Box – 25 sheets
C400110552 A2 Box – 25 sheets
C400110553 17″ x 22″
43.2 x 55.9 cm
Box – 25 sheets*
C400110554 17″ x 50′
0.432 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
C400110555 24″ x 50′
0.610 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
C400110556 36″ x 50′
0.914 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
C400110557 44″ x 50′
1.118 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
C400110558 50″ x 50′
1.270 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
C400110575 60″ x 50′
1.524 x 15.24m
1 roll – 3″
(7.62cm) Core
*US only
For the Baryta Photographique II product
Robert Rodriguez JR
“The new Baryta Photographique II has
the same beautiful qualities I’ve always
loved about Baryta – silky smoothness,
rich blacks, and wonderful color depthand
the new version improves on that in
a subtle and nuanced way. If you loved
the original Baryta, you’ll love version II
even more And if you’ve never tried it,
it’s definitely worth consideration for
those images where you want to make a
powerful statement with a look
reminiscent of a traditional dark room
print. Version II is a step forward in
every way for sure.”
F11-BPL310111725 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 11×17 (25 shts/box) (#400110549) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027610
F11-BPL310131925 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 13×19 (25 shts/box) (#400110551) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027740
F11-BPL3101750R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 17″x50ft (400110554) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027979
F11-BPL310172225 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 17×22 (25 shts/box) (#400110553) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027955
F11-BPL3102450R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 24″x50ft (400110555) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Rolls 1 3148950027993
F11-BPL3103650R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 36″x50ft (400110556) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Rolls 1 3148950028013
F11-BPL3104450R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 44″x50ft (400110557) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Rolls 1 3148950028037
F11-BPL3105050R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 50″x50ft (400110558) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Rolls 1 3148950028051
F11-BPL3105725 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 5×7 (25 shts/box) (#400110544) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027443
F11-BPL3106050R Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 60″x50ft (TBD) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Rolls 1 3148950028228
F11-BPL310851110 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 8.5×11 (10 shts/box) (#400110545) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027467
F11-BPL310851125 Baryta Photographique II 310gsm 8.5×11 (25 shts/box) (#400110546) Each Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique Luster White Sheets 1 3148950027481

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