Digi XStick USB Adapter



Digi XStick USB Adapter
The XStick is a USB peripheral adapter that provides short-range wireless connectivity to a low-power mesh or multipoint network in a familiar, easy-to-carry form factor. Housing Digi’s XBee® module, this off-the-shelf adapter provides instant wireless connectivity from a laptop or PC, allowing network configuration, diagnostics or device monitoring to be conducted locally.

Two versions of the XStick are available – the XStick ZNet 2.5 (mesh version) and the XStick 802.15.4 (multipoint version). The XStick ZNet 2.5 is configured to behave as a coordinator within a mesh topology.

The XStick can be plugged directly into the USB port of a laptop or PC or connected using an extension cable (must be three meters or less in length). The XStick is USB powered and does not require batteries or a power adapter.
USB plug-and-play USB to XBee Network Adapter
Available in ZigBee mesh (ZB) & multipoint (802.15.4) variants
Configure and commission XBee networks easily from your laptop or PC

Specifications XStick® ZB XStick® 802.15.4
Indoor/Urban Range 66 ft (20 m) 49 ft (15 m)
Outdoor/RF Line-of-Sight Range 164 ft (50 m) 131 ft (40 m)
Transmit Power Output (Nominal 25º C) 2.8 mW (4.5 dBm) 1 mW (0 dBm)
RF Data Rate 250 Kbps 250 Kbps
Serial Interface Data Rate (Software Selectable) 1200-115.2K 1200-115.2K
Receiver Sensitivity -90 dBm -90 dBm
Power Requirements
Supply Voltage 5V from USB port of PC 5V from USB port of PC
Operating Currrent (Transmit) 51 mA 64 mA
Operating Current (Recieve) 47 mA 64 mA
Power-Down Current XStick should not be put into sleep mode XStick should not be put into sleep mode
Operating Frequency Band 2.4 GHz ISM 2.4 GHz ISM
Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.8 in x 0.7 in x 0.4 in (45.7 mm x 17.8 mm x 10.2 mm) 1.8 in x 0.7 in x 0.4 in (45.7 mm x 17.8 mm x 10.2 mm)
Operating Temperature -40º C to +85º C -40º C to +85º C
Connector USB Type A USB Type A
Antenna Options Internal only Internal only
Networking & Security
Supported Network Topologies Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint, Peer-to-Peer, ZigBee/Mesh Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint, Peer-to-Peer
Number of Channels (Software Selectable) 16 16
Addressing Options PAN, channel, address PAN, channel, address
Agency Approvals
United States (FCC Part 15.247) MCQ-XSTICK2 MCQ-XSTICK1 (Pending)
Industry Canada (IC) 1846A-XSTICK2 1846A-XSTICK1 (Pending)
Europe ETSI ETSI (Pending)

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