General Formulations Concept 203-OAP



General Formulations Concept 203-OAP

General Formulations Concept 203-OAP
3 Mil Gloss White Calendered Vinyl with Permanent Adhesive.
• Up to 5 year durability.
• Permanent gray acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive.
• Builds to a permanent bond within 24 hours.
• 90lb layflat liner.
• Offers great opacity.
• Designed for interior and exterior signage, decals, nameplates, and POP.
• Laminate with any Concept 100 Series laminate.
• Print compatibility: Solvent, Eco-Solvent, UV, Latex.

Product Bulletin

Manufacturer of Pressure Sensitive Films,
Traffic Graffic Floor Advertising Films,
Custom Coatings and Printing Inks.

309 S. Union • P.O. Box 158 • Sparta, Michigan 49345 • (616) 887-7387 • (800)253-3664 • FAX (616)887-0537
Web Site: • e-mail:

We believe the information on this product to be accurate. However, since we cannot anticipate or control the conditions under which this information or our products may be used, we cannot guarantee
results obtained through their use. Tests of our products should be made by users to determine the suitability of these products for a specific purpose. The products are sold without warranty, either
express or implied. The purchaser should refer to General Formulations, Inc’s Price List for Terms and Conditions or Sale, Including Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.


203-OAP is a 3-mil premium white gloss flexible calendared vinyl film coated with 200-5031 permanent gray acrylic
pressure sensitive adhesive laminated to a 90# layflat liner. This film is designed to accept a variety of solvent-based inkjet and UV
curable inks common to wide format digital printing systems. Adhesive 200-5031 offers good opacity with low initial tack building to a
permanent bond within 24 hours providing repositionability to the graphic during application. The 90# liner offers excellent product
layflat in a variety of ambient conditions.

Applications ConceptÒ
203-OAP is designed for interior or exterior signage, decals, nameplates, die-cut letters
and point-of-purchase displays.

Thickness Film 3.0 mils.
Adhesive .9 to 1.1 mils.
Liner 6.7 mils.
(Thickness variance +/- 10%)

Dimensional Stability Good.

Temperature Ranges Minimum application temperature is +40°F.
Service temperature is -40°F to +180°F.

Expected Exterior Exposure Up to 5 years.

Adhesion To stainless steel 40 oz/in.
PSTC-101 Method A with 24 hr. dwell at 70°F and 50% relative humidity.
Typical values. Individual values may vary.
Test thoroughly for your specific application.

Water Resistance Good. Test if immersed.
Humidity Resistance Good.
Solvent Resistance Good

Storage Stability 6-month shelf life when stored at 70°F and 50% relative humidity.

Product Codes 203-OAP-30 (30” x 150’ roll)
203-OAP-54 (54” x 150’ roll)
203-OAP-54RW (54” x 150’ roll, reverse wound/ notched core)
203-OAP-60 (60” x 150’ roll)

Recommendations Completely evaporate ink solvents before application. Failure to do so may facilitate solvent
penetration resulting in premature vinyl degradation.


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