Gerber 220 High Performance Cast Vinyl Film 220-20 Matte White
Gerber 220 Easy Apply, manufactured by 3M is the latest film technology. The improved air
release channels allow air escape through micro-replicated channels under the films surface
without leaving any noticeable channel marks on the film surface itself. The result is a smooth, glossy
graphic film that is faster and easier to apply than conventional films.
This 2-mil repositionable film is EDGE READY.
Approved by the AAP Equipment Engineering Committee under AAP Specification M-947
Gerber 220 Easy Apply is ideal for both small and large graphics over corrugated and riveted
surfaces such as tractor trailers, buses, and other fleet graphic applications. This film can be used
on a wide variety of substrates including ABS resins, aluminum, chrome, glass, fiberglass
reinforced plastics, painted surfaces and flat or simple curved surfaces, with and without rivets.
This film has a grey-pigmented, pressure-sensitive adhesive, which allows for optimum color
This film is not recommended for use on stainless steel, non-3M films, or substrates that do not have
a clean, smooth surface or have poor paint-to-substrate adhesion. It is also not intended for
applications where petrochemical contact may occur. If petrochemical exposure is anticipated, refer
to the section below on protecting graphics.
When applied vertically, Gerber 220 Easy Apply has an expected performance life of up to ten years.
Performance statements are based upon field experience and exposure tests conducted throughout
the United States. Substrate selection, exposure angle, environmental conditions, and
maintenance of
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markings will affect actual performance. Continuous exposure in regions that experience maximum
sunny days will result in decreased performance.
Apply Gerber 220 Easy Apply within one year of receipt. Printed graphics should also be applied within
one year. Film and printed graphics (with or without premask) should be kept in a clean area free from
excessive moisture and direct sunlight. Maintain temperature at less than 100°F (38°C).
Use a paper interleaf between layers of stacked or rolled printed materials. Do not stack printed graphics
face to face.
GerberColor Spot (GCS), Process Pro CMYK (GCP), Medal (GCM), and Transparent (GCT) Series
Foils can be used to print onto Gerber 220 Easy Apply. (For information on the performance lives of
GerberColor Foils, refer to the appropriate GerberColor Product Bulletin.)
Recommended working environment is as follows:
? Operating temperature: 50ºF to 95ºF / 10ºC to 35ºC
? Recommended temperature for assured printing accuracy: 68ºF to 78ºF / 20ºC to 26ºC
? Operating humidity: 20% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing (maximum range;
actual range varies by material used)
Gerber Technology offers products that are designed to protect vinyl and printed graphics.
Gerber Guard? manufactured by 3M is a durable, dimensionally stable, glossy vinyl overlaminate. This
film has a petrochemical-resistant construction and is intended to be used when markings may be
exposed to petrochemical spillage and/or severe handling conditions.
Gerber UVGuard? is a custom-formulated, 1-mil, clear, extremely durable polyvinyl fluoride (PVF)
laminating film designed to further expand the resistance to weathering of printed graphics for up to five
Gerber UVGuard 9 manufactured by 3M is a 2-mil, glossy, clear, mildew-resistant, polyvinyl fluoride
laminating film with a petrochemical-resistant adhesive system. It is designed to further expand the
resistance to weathering of printed graphics up to nine years. Gerber UVGuard 9 has the highest
protection from UV fade.
Gerber StrikeGuard is an 8.0-mil, clear, glossy overlaminate film designed for a variety of applications.
This heavy-duty overlaminate film is ideal for the protection of graphics, up to two years, and is
especially beneficial where printed graphics experience severe handling and forceful impact. Gerber
StrikeGuard is not recommended in applications that require petrochemical protection or where
additional UV or vandal resistance is desired.
Abrasion Guard? SPF (Sign Protection Formula) is a clear, top-coat GerberColor Finishing Series
(GCF) Foil designed for use with EDGE® Series thermal transfer printing systems, to protect graphics
from moderate contact and exposure to harmful effects of UV rays. It has an expected performance life
of up to five years (when printed by itself). When applied as a protective overprint on other GerberColor
Foils, Abrasion Guard SPF will extend the life of the base color by up to 30%.
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Gerber 220 Easy Apply can be cut on any 15-inch Gerber plotter. A 30° SuperSharp blade is
recommended. Though plotters can be set to full speed for simple geometric shapes and panels over
6 inches high, slowing the speed of the plotter is found to optimize cut performance. User is advised to
test cut before running entire job. This product is not recommended for complex contour cutting.
Before applying your graphic, wash the surface of your substrate with warm water and detergent. Do
not use soaps or other cleaners with lotions or creams as they will leave a residue. Thoroughly rinse
the surface and allow it to completely dry.
Saturate a clean paper towel with a solvent-based cleaner and wipe the substrate surface. Be certain
to follow all manufacturer safety guidelines when using any solvent. Dry the surface with a lint-free
paper towel before the solvent evaporates.
If applying to glass, wipe the surface with a 2 to 1 mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol. Glass
temperatures can vary across the surface. These temperature variations can produce stresses which
may cause the glass to break. Use caution when applying to glass.
Some polycarbonate substrates may weaken when certain vinyl films are applied to them. Because of
this possibility, the user will need to determine if safety items such as helmets, safety shields, and some
windshields are compatible with their vinyls adhesive.
Many paint systems (e.g. two-part urethane) and some polycarbonate substrates will outgas if they are
not fully cured. Outgassing can cause permanent bubbling in most films; substrates should be tested
for outgassing prior to final application.
Gerber 220 Easy Apply can be removed with heat or chemicals within 7 years. Be certain to follow all
manufacturer safety guidelines when using heating devices or chemical solvents.
Dry application should be used with Gerber 220 Easy Apply. Panels can be overlapped. Graphics
should be allowed to cure for 15 minutes prior to application.
Gerber standard tack application tape is required for all graphics produced with Gerber Digital
Color Printing Systems. Due to the unique adhesive construction of Gerber 220 Easy Apply,
application tape can sometimes curl if exposed to the liner for prolonged periods of time.
Therefore, to minimize contact between application tape and the liner, we suggest any of the
following options for graphic application:
OPTION #1: Apply application tape immediately prior to installing graphic
OPTION #2: Trim excess application tape from graphic to reduce exposure to liner.
OPTION #3: If transporting graphic, secure the applied application tape to the back of
the material liner with masking tape.
To clean printed graphics, use a mild, non-abrasive soap with a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid using
alcohol-based cleansers or soaps containing grit or abrasives. Automated vehicle washing systems that
use rotary cleaning brushes should also be avoided.
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Thickness 2 mil
Adhesive Pressure activated, repositionable with air release
Adhesive Color Grey
Liner Polyethylene-coated paper
Tensile Strength 5 lb/in minimum at 73ºF (0.9 kg/cm minimum at 23ºC)
Dimensional Stability .0015 in (0.4 mm)
Application Temperatures:
Flat Surfaces (with and without rivets)
Corrugated Surfaces
50ºF to 100ºF (10ºC to 38ºC)
50ºF to 100ºF (10ºC to 38ºC)
Removal Temperature 50ºF (10ºC) minimum (air and substrate)
Operating Temperature -65ºF to 225º F (-54ºC to 107ºC)
Gerber 220 Easy Apply is resistant to mild acids, mild alkalis and salts. Film has excellent water
Refer to Product Bulletins of relevant foils and materials for product-specific handling, production, and
finishing information.
For help with questions concerning Gerber products, please call your distributor or Gerber Customer
Service at 1-800-222-7446 or (860) 644-1551. Visit us on the Internet at to learn more about our many other foils, materials and equipment.
When sold by Gerber, use only the corresponding Gerber Product Bulletin to determine product details, including but not limited to appropriate uses, warranty and processing.
EDGE, GERBER EDGE, GERBER EDGE 2, Gerber Scientific Products, GerberCal, GerberGraphics, GRAPHIX ADVANTAGE, GSP, and Images on Vinyl are Registered Trademarks of
Gerber Technology.
Abrasion Guard, ColorSet, EDGE Positive, EDGE READY, Gerber AutoMag, GERBER EDGE FX, Gerber FastFacts, Gerber Guard, Gerber HoloGraphix, Gerber ImageCal, Gerber
ImageCast, Gerber InstaChange, Gerber OMEGA, Gerber PermaGrip, Gerber PlastiGraphix, Gerber QUANTUM, Gerber StrikeGuard, Gerber Tone, Gerber UVGuard, GerberCal,
GerberColor, GerberColor Spectratone, GerberGauge, GerberGlow, GerberMag, GerberMask, GerberVision, GS 15, GS15plus, GSP Plot, GSxplus, GSx, ImagePerfect, IMAGE READY,
LexEdge, Matched Technology System, MTS, OMEGA, Process Pro, SpectraShade, and SpectraTint are Trademarks of Gerber Technology.
3Mis a trademark of 3M Company.
©2018 Gerber Technology. All Right Reserved
Category: EDGE READY FastFact #: 5572 Supplied by: Aftermarkets Last Modified: 04/26/21
Gerber 220 High Performance Film manufactured by 3M
Gerber 220 is a high performance 2 mil cast vinyl, optimal for GERBER EDGE-printing, cutting,
weeding, andapplication. Its clear pressure-sensitive adhesive allows production of attractive twoway markings. Excellent durability with five to eight-year exterior life.
Gerber 220 Product Bulletin
15 Punched EDGE READY 30 Punched 220 High Performance 24 Unpunched 48 Unpunched
10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard Color Code 10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard
P20855C P20856C P21918C P20962C Black 220-12 P83594A P83595A P83597A P83598A
P20871C P20872C P21916C P20960C Matte Black 220-22 P83720A P83721A P83723A P83724A
P83229A P83230A P83237A P83238A Matte White 220-20 P83233A P83234A P83241A P83242A
P83247A P83248A P83255A P83256A White 220-10 P83251A P83252A P83259A P83260A
P53024A P53044A P53064A P53084A Antique White 220-90 P83565A P83566A P83569A P83570A
P53022A P53042A P53062A P53082A Oyster 220-100 P83785A P83786A P83789A P83790A
P20869C P20870C P21930C P20974C Pearl Gray 220-11 P83793A P83794A P83797A P83798A
P84517A P84518A P84584A P84585A Light Gray 220-121
P84521A P84522A P84588A P84589A Stone Gray 220-81
P27325A P27326A P27363A P27364A Medium Gray 220-31 P83726A P83727A P83729A P83730A
P84525A P84526A P84592A P84593A Mid Gray 220-61
P53036A P53056A P53076A P53096A Traffic Gray 220-151 P83861A P83862A P83865A P83866A
P84529A P84530A P84596A P84597A Dove Gray 220-91
P27327A P27328A P27365A P27366A Dark Gray 220-41 P83660A P83661A P83663A P83664A
P53035A P53055A P53075A P53095A Nimbus Gray 220-101
P57480A P57495A P57510A P57525A Duranodic 220-69 P83667A P83668A P83671A P83672A
P20851C P20852C P21925C P20969C Deep Mahogany Brown 220-19 P83889A P83890A P83893A P83894A
P27491A P27492A P27493A P27494A Russet Brown 220-29 P83903A P83904A P83907A P83908A
P27331A P27332A P27369A P27370A Sandstone 220-89
P20883C P20884C P21926C P20970C Tan 220-39
P20885C P20886C P21914C P20958C Beige 220-49 P83911A P83912A P83915A P83916A
P27333A P27334A P27371A P27372A Fawn 220-99
P84541A P84542A P84608A P84609A Light Lemon Yellow 220-65
P57477A P57492A P57507A P57522A Primrose Yellow 220-135 P83815A P83816A P83819A P83820A
P20861C P20862C P21921C P20965C Bright Yellow 220-15 P83614A P83615A P83617A P83618A
P27495A P27496A P27497A P27498A Sunflower 220-25 P83842A P83843A P83845A P83846A
P57478A P57493A P57508A P57523A Chrome Yellow 220-145
P27337A P27338A P27375A P27376A Imitation Gold 220-105 P83687A P83688A P83691A P83692A
P27339A P27340A P27377A P27378A Apricot 220-64
P27499A P27500A P27501A P27502A Light Orange 220-54
P20863C P20864C P21923C P20967C Bright Orange 220-14 P83608A P83609A P83611A P83612A
P53026A P53046A P53066A P53086A Intense Orange 220-134 P83701A P83702A P83705A P83706A
P84537A P84538A P84604A P84605A Red Orange 220-74
P27341A P27342A P27379A P27380A Terra Cotta 220-24
P27343A P27344A P27381A P27382A Magenta 220-103
P53034A P53054A P53074A P53094A Process Magenta 220-273
Return to Index
Gerber 220 High Performance Film Continued
[Tapez ici]
15 Punched EDGE READY 30 Punched 220 High Performance 24 Unpunched 48 Unpunched
10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard Color Code 10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard
P53027A P53047A P53067A P53087A Warm Red 220-253 P83875A P83876A P83879A P83880A
P53025A P53045A P53065A P53085A Perfect Match Red 220-263 P83800A P83801A P83803A P83804A
P57468A P57483A P57498A P57513A Atomic Red 220-293 P83580A P83581A P83583A P83584A
P20865C P20866C P21917C P20961C Tomato Red 220-13 P83854A P83855A P83857A P83858A
P84533A P84534A P84600A P84601A Imperial Red 220-93
P27503A P27504A P27505A P27506A Geranium 220-63 P83680A P83681A P83683A P83684A
P20881C P20882C P21920C P20964C Cardinal Red 220-53 P83628A P83629A P83631A P83632A
P53038A P53058A P53078A P53098A Cranberry 220-283
P21032C P21033C P22304C P22305C Burgundy 220-58 P83882A P83883A P83885A P83886A
P57471A P57486A P57501A P57516A Dark Burgundy 220-68 P83647A P83648A P83651A P83652A
P35326A P35327A P35348A P35349A Dark Violet 220-98
P84568A P84569A P84636A P84637A Plum 220-78
P27347A P27348A P27385A P27386A Royal Purple 220-38 P83830A P83831A P83833A P83834A
P27349A P27350A P27387A P27388A Purple 220-48
P57479A P57494A P57509A P57524A Royal Blue 220-87 P83823A P83824A P83827A P83828A
P21036C P21037C P22334C P22335C Navy 220-27 P83777A P83778A P83781A P83782A
P35328A P35329A P35350A P35351A Light Navy 220-197 P83714A P83715A P83717A P83718A
P84564A P84565A P84632A P84633A Boat Blue 220-127
P57475A P57490A P57505A P57520A Dark Blue 220-397 P83640A P83641A P83643A P83644A
P35330A P35331A P35352A P35353A Shadow Blue 220-177
P35332A P35333A P35354A P35355A Wedgwood Blue 220-187
P20873C P20874C P21928C P20972C Sapphire Blue 220-37 P83836A P83837A P83839A P83840A
P20875C P20876C P21913C P20957C Vivid Blue 220-17 P83868A P83869A P83871A P83872A
P57482A P57497A P57512A P57527A Matte Blue 220-407
P20857C P20858C P21922C P20966C Intense Blue 220-47 P83694A P83695A P83697A P83698A
P57473A P57488A P57503A P57518A Periwinkle 220-387 P83807A P83808A P83811A P83812A
P84560A P84561A P84628A P84629A Persian Blue 220-117
P20877C P20878C P21929C P20973C Olympic Blue 220-57 P83896A P83897A P83899A P83900A
P84556A P84557A P84624A P84625A Light Blue 220-107
P84552A P84553A P84620A P84621A Soft Blue 220-97
P21034C P21035C P22332C P22333C Peacock Blue 220-77
P27351A P27352A P27389A P27390A Robin Egg Blue 220-86
P53033A P53053A P53073A P53093A Powder Blue 220-347
P35336A P35337A P35358A P35359A Dark Aqua 220-307
P27353A P27354A P27391A P27392A Teal 220-96 P83848A P83849A P83851A P83852A
P53032A P53052A P53072A P53092A Bermuda Blue 220-357 P83587A P83588A P83591A P83592A
P84544A P84545A P84612A P84613A Lime Green 220-136
P35338A P35339A P35360A P35361A Apple Green 220-196 P83573A P83574A P83577A P83578A
P20859C P20860C P21924C P20968C Kelly Green 220-46 P83708A P83709A P83711A P83712A
P35340A P35341A P35362A P35363A Bright Green 220-186 P83918A P83919A P83921A P83922A
P57469A P57484A P57499A P57514A Cactus Green 220-266 P83621A P83622A P83625A P83626A
P20879C P20880C P21927C P20971C Dark Green 220-56 P83654A P83655A P83657A P83658A
P84548A P84549A P84616A P84617A Khaki Green 220-16
P27355A P27356A P27393A P27394A Forest Green 220-66 P83674A P83675A P83677A P83678A
P53039A P53059A P53079A P53099A Bottle Green 220-276 P83601A P83602A P83605A P83606A
P27323A P27324A P27361A P27362A Clear 220-114 P83634A P83635A P83637A P83638A
Return to Index
Gerber 220 High Performance Film Continued
[Tapez ici]
220 High Performance 30 Unpunched
Color Code 10 Yard 50 Yard
Black 220-12 P58445A
Matte Black 220-22 P58444A
Matte White 220-20 P84898A
White 220-10 P84899A
Medium Gray 220-31 P58440A
Dark Gray 220-41 P58442A
Tomato Red 220-13 P58474A
Cardinal Red 220-53 P58476A
Light Navy 220-197 P58489A
Sapphire Blue 220-37 P58493A
Vivid Blue 220-17 P58494A
Gold Metallic 220-131 P58531A
Silver Metallic 220-120 P58532A
Gerber 220 Metallic High Performance Film manufactured by 3M
Gerber 220 metallic is a high performance 2 mil cast vinyl with the visual addition of a metallic sparkle,
perfect for use on cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and signs or markings. Excellent durability with five-year unprinted
exterior life.
Gerber 220 Product Bulletin
15 Punched EDGE READY 30 Punched 220 Metallic HP 24 Unpunched 48 Unpunched
10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard Color Code 10 Yard 50 Yard 10 Yard 50 Yard
P27357A P27358A P27395A P27396A Gold Metallic 220-131 P83748A P83749A P83751A P83752A
P27359A P27360A P27397A P27398A Silver Metallic 220-120 P83762A P83763A P83765A P83766A
P31828A P31829A P31873A P31874A Dark Blue Metallic 220-217 P83741A P83742A P83745A P83746A
P31831A P31832A P31876A P31877A Bright Blue Metallic 220-227
P84572A P84573A P84640A P84641A Petroleum Blue Metallic 220-247
P31801A P31802A P31846A P31847A Charcoal Metallic 220-211
P31837A P31838A P31882A P31883A Slate Metallic 220-201
P84580A P84581A P84648A P84649A Steampunk Red Metallic 220-243
P31819A P31820A P31864A P31865A Burgundy Metallic 220-208
P31804A P31805A P31849A P31850A Dark Brown Metallic 220-209
P31810A P31811A P31855A P31856A Copper Metallic 220-229 P83733A P83734A P83737A P83738A
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Gerber High Performance Series 220 Premium Film
manufactured by 3M
Feature Benefit
Custom formulated for Gerber by 3M.
Converted by Gerber for use with
GerberColor? Foils and the GERBER
? Optimal printing results means less wasted material and greater
profits. Superior finished product translates into repeat business.
Precision punched. ? Precise punch pattern provides outstanding print registration with
the EDGE and perfect tracking through Gerber plotters. This
means less wasted material, greater productivity and increased
90 popular colors ? The range of colors will allow the EDGE owner to meet their
customers specific color requests. This can mean more
opportunities and more profits.
PANTONE® simulated colors
? 20 popular colors of Gerber HP Series 220 now have PANTONE
simulated color matches making it easier to meet customer
requirements for fleet, corporate, architectural and ad agency
specifications. (See the chart on the next page for details.)
Conformability ? Apply to vehicle surfaces with rivets or corrugations. Vehicle
markings are an excellent market opportunity for EDGE owners.
These designs are quality advertising and can lead to other
opportunities with the same customer.
Available as Clear
? Clear vinyl that can be printed forward or reverse printed for
second surface application.
Gerber HP Series 220 sets the industry standard for vinyl performance. Applications include
vehicles, window displays, labels, decals, and signs of all kinds. Long life, vivid colors, and
outstanding EDGE print results can be expected from this 2 mil cast vinyl.
Number of colors 90
Performance Life (Unprinted) 8 years vehicles and 7 years signs
Minimum application temp 40°F (4°C)
Thickness 2-mil
Page 2 of 2
Lengths Available 10 and 50 yard rolls
PANTONE® Simulated Color Reference Table
Simulated Color
Gerber HP Series 220
Color Name
Pigment Code
Neutral Black C BLACK 220-12
Orange 021 C BRIGHT ORANGE 220-14
Black C MATTE BLACK 220-22
7595C RUSSET BROWN 220-29
485C WARM RED 220-253
220C RASPBERRY 220-133
7713C TEAL 220-96
323C BERMUDA BLUE 220-357
7725C BRIGHT GREEN 220-186
421C MEDIUM GREY 220-31
872C GOLD – Metallic 220-131
877C SILVER – Metallic 220-120
7549C SUNFLOWER 220-25
711C TOMATO RED 220-13
533C NAVY 220-27
3305C FOREST GREEN 220-66
7563C IMITATION GOLD 220-105
PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. The film colors are approved by Pantone, Inc.
and are referenced by PANTONE color numbers. These films are simulations of PANTONE Colors because the films are not
manufactured using PANTONE Color inks and therefore, cannot be an exact match.
©2021 Gerber Technology. All Right Reserved
Category: EDGE Ready FastFact #:5517 Supplied by: Aftermarkets Last Modified: 6/9/2021
HP220 Unpunched
Vinyl Takes Off
Youve heard that applications for Gerber High Performance (HP) 24 & 48-inch vinyls are limited only by your imagination. The
imagination of Joel Smiley Freeland of Delta Airlines was sparked by Gerber 48-inch unpunched vinyl when he was tasked to
design an historic graphicthe logo which is riding high on a 757 to celebrate the career of Yankee Pitcher Mariano Rivera.
In July, the New York Yankees pitcher was honored with a Delta plane dedication at New Yorks JFK International Airport.
The Delta Air Lines 757 aircraft features a seven-foot graphic with Riveras NY Yankees No. 42 jersey and his signature.
The ceremony represented the first time ever that Delta had dedicated an aircraft in New York. Even more significant, Delta
executive Gail Grimmett reported that she can count on one hand the number of times in the past ten years that the company
has dedicated an aircraft to an individual.
The fact that the first plane goes to Rivera is no surprise to Freeland. Mariano Rivera is such a great player, and hes retiring
at the end of the season, points out Freeland. Delta recognizes several sports teams every year, and Joel has grown
accustomed to exciting rush jobs for high-profile clients. But the Rivera graphic is different. This ones super-special; so many
of our graphics are for one-run flights. This one will fly til the end of October. So keep your eyes on the sky!
Although the Delta graphic will be installed for just a few months, Gerber 220 vinyl is designed to last for many years. Gerber
HP 220 vinyl is recognized for its durability, color consistency, and exceptional performance over a range of environments.
It is the vinyl of choice for applications which range from vehicle graphics to labels & decals, sports & recreation equipment,
and industrial signage of all varieties.
All set to take off! The Mariano
Rivera graphic on the Delta
757 will remain installed
through October.
USA x 800.222.7446 x
Throughout his 22-year career in technical airline graphics, Joel has
helped develop designs for all kinds of special initiatives. His first big
project was the Spirit of Delta for the Atlanta Olympics. Each special
event calls for new livery, Freeland explains, who hastens to add that
bringing a design to life in the airline industry has one or two special
challenges. Designers & marketing folks come up with great concepts,
but we have to bring them to life. I have fun at my job as the liaison
between marketing & implementationIm the bridge between two
worlds, he adds. When you are dealing with airplanes, everything
including exterior graphics–is highly regulated. Technical documentation
is required before you can install any graphics on an airplane, and its
a super-exact process That means our designs need to be superexact, too.
NY Yankees Manager Joe Girardi and Pitcher Mariano Rivera
Joel Smiley Freeland.
According to Freeland, thats another place
whereGerber comesin. Gerber givesme allthe
tools to work in any environment. All designs
need to be full-scale for the review process.
Thatsjustone reasonI loveOMEGAnodesign
limitations. The 1:1 scale factor is HUGE: literally and figuratively!
Theturn-aroundfortheRiveragraphicwasultraquick. Id planned to take off a couple of days
to visit with the grandkids, but to do that, I
had to rush the design to get approval through
the technical group. I was pretty chagrined when
I realized that there wouldnt be enough time
to digitally print a graphic. Thats when Freeland
realized thatYankee blue was one of the colors
in Gerbers expanded 54-color range for 24/48
-inch. In Freelands words, Gerber was a
lifesaver. Honestly, without Gerber I would have
struggled to finish this project on time.
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