KAPCO Adhesive Backed 3.2 mil Satin Vinyl Laminate with K-SHIELD Anti-Microbial Technology



KAPCO Adhesive Backed 3.2 mil Satin Vinyl Laminate
with K-SHIELD Anti-Microbial Technology

• Lamination film treated with anti-microbial and UV techology.
• Ideally suited for reopening of public areas and vulnerable surfaces.
• High-touch indoor and outdoor applications.

Regulations, Certification and Compatibility:
In general, this series of films is formulated to meet Proposition-65, Consumer Product
Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) and Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction
of Chemicals (REACH) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS).

Cleaning Information:
Quaternary Ammonium based cleaning solutions can be used on film surface.

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Product Number
Adhesive Permanent Clear Acrylic
Film 3.2 mil (+/- 0.2) PVC
Liner 78# Kraft Liner
Surface Finish Satin

Nominal Gloss @ 60-Degrees 25 – 35

(with UV absorber)


KSHIELD Has been tested in accordance with ISO 22196 and is formulated to meet Proposition-65,
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) and Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS). KSHEILD

protection film with anti-microbial properties contains the active ingredients Zinc Pyrithione & Thiaben-
dazole. Antimicrobial technology is formulated into the product; it does not directly protect the user

from any exposure to bacteria or viruses, or provide additional health benefits. Evaluation and fitness
for use should be performed on each specific application and is the responsibility of the end user.

The following information on physical and chemical characteristics is based upon tests
believed to be reliable. The values are intended only as a source of information. They are
given without guarantee and do not constitute a warranty.

Durability: Outdoor – up to 3 years
Minimum Application Temperature: + 40° F (Minimum for Substrate)
Service Temperature Range: -40° F to +180° F (-46° C to + 82° C)
Temperature Resistance: -65° F to + 225° F
Chemical Resistance: Resistant to alkalis, mild acids, most
petroleum based oil, grease and aliphatic

solvent and salts.
Typical Adhesion Values: 180° Peel Test
Substrate 24 hrs.
Stainless Steel 3.0 lb/in
Shelf Life: 1 year from ship date when stored in proper
conditions 70° F and 50% relative humidity




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