Lumina 4725-037 Sapphire Blue Intermediate Vinyl Film sheets 10 sheets per pack



Lumina 4725-037 Sapphire Blue Intermediate Vinyl Film sheets 10 sheets per pack
FDC 4725 Series Intermediate Vinyl Film – This is a premium 6-year calendered vinyl that is ideal for general
purpose signage. This can also be used for banners, window lettering, show cards and exhibit displays. To order
punched material, use part number 4775.

FDC 4725 Series is a premium 6 year calendered vinyl film that is ideal for general purpose signage.
This can also be used for banners, window lettering, show cards, exhibits and displays. To order
punched material, use part number 4775.
Film Technology: ………….. Calendered – PVC
Film Thickness:…………….. 3.2 mil.
Color Availability:………….. See color chart
Finish:…………………………… Semi Gloss
Outdoor Durability: ……….. 6 years – when properly processed and displayed
(*Expected Durability: unprinted media, vertical exposure and ideal conditions.)
Adhesive: ……………………… Permanent / Clear – Acrylic
Adhesion:……………………… 24 hrs = 3.6 lbs/in
(PSTC-1, 180° peel @ 12” / min, 73° F, on stainless steel.
Typical values – individual values may vary. Test prior to use.)
Liner: ……………………………. 78# Kraft
Application:…………………… Flat Surfaces, Simple Curves
Printing:…………………………Thermal Transfer, Screen
(*A print test is recommended prior to production to determine the suitability of this
product given a particular printer, rip, ink type and ink set. Allow at least 24 hours
for inks to dry and properly outgas prior to lamination.)
Chemical Resistance: ……. Resistant to middle acids, alkalies, salts, most petroleum based oil,
grease and aliphatic solvents
Temperature: …………….. Minimum Application Temperature is 40°F
Service Temperature Range is -40F to 180°F

001 Red 071 Teal
005 Blue *075 Lavender
006 Yellow 076 Magenta
010 Gloss White (Blue Liner) 080 Matte Yellow
012 Gloss Black 114 Transparent
*013 Tomato Red 120 Satin Aluminum
014 Bright Orange *131 Satin Gold
*019 Deep Mahogany Brown 135 Primrose Yellow
020 Matte White 178 Stone Grey
025 Sunflower 186 Bright Green
037 Sapphire Blue 197 Light Navy
*038 Royal Purple *214 Light Ash Grey
053 Cardinal Red 222 Flat Black
056 Dark Green 237 Classic Red
*057 Olympic Blue 262 Baby Blue
063 Geranium Red 263 New Beige
*068 Dark Burgundy 277 Matte Blue

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