Lumina® Promotional Static Cling Film white



Lumina 1203 Series is a promotional Static Cling Film white

Lumina 1203 Series is a promotional Static Cling Film white

Lumina 1203 Series is a promotional grade calendered static cling vinyl film designed for producing temporary
graphics, signage and decals. This product features a unique construction, which provides the ability to adhere to a
variety of smooth surfaces without the presence of a pressure sensitive adhesive making it easy to position and
reposition. To order punched material, use part number 1253.


Key Features
Film TechnologyCalendered
Film Thickness7.5 mil.
Media Color
Outdoor Durability3 months
Adhesive / ColorN/A
Liner8 pt. Board
ConformabilityFlat Surfaces
Computer CutN/A
Steel RuleYes
Thermal DieN/A
Flat BedN/A
Shelf Life3 months when properly processed and applied (*Expected Durability: unprinted media, vertical exposure and ideal conditions. Environmental factors such as: temperature, wind and rain may affect this materials bond. Clear film may yellow with prolonged or extreme UV exposure.)
. Board Application: ………………….. Flat Surfaces (*Material is designed for application to glass and should be tested and qualified prior to application to other surfaces. This material may develop a surface haze that should dissipate after application. When applying to painted surfaces hazing may develop on the substrate with extended exposure to static cling film.)



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