Mactac MACmark 6700 Sparkle Metallic Vinyl Cinnabar


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Mactac MACmark 6700 Sparkle Metallic Vinyl Cinnabar 6759-00
6700 Sparkle Metallic
High Performance Cast Vinyl Series
Product Description
Sparkle Metallic 6700 is a premium Mactac film designed for high profile applications over flat to complex
curves like rivets, corrugations and other irregular surfaces. The face is a 3.0-mil cadmium-free cast vinyl
with high gloss and a high concentration of metallic flakes resulting in rich, shimmering colors. The
product is coated with a high-performance permanent, clear solvent acrylic adhesive protected with 78#
bleached white kraft liner for good stability and layflat.

Typical Applications
• Logos
• Automotive applications
• Fleet marking
Physical Properties
Property Typical Values Test Method
Thickness in inches 0.0040 (101) ASTM D-645
Peel Adhesion
180° on Stainless Steel
– 30 min.
– 24 hr.
2.8 (12.5)
4.0 (17.5)
ASTM D-903
Face Material Data, 68°F (20°C)
Tensile strength lb. /in. (N/m)
Elongation %
>7.5 (1300)
DIN 53455
Dimensional Stability
(shrinkage) in Percent
< 0.20 10” x10” Sample 48 hours @ 158°F bonded to aluminum Temperature Ranges Application: End Use: 40° to 104°F (5° to 40°C) -50° to 225°F (-45° to 107°C) Shelf Life Two years when stored between at 60- 80°F (15 - 25°C) and 50% relative humidity or less. • Equipment identification • Decals • General signage Durability This product is good for 5-year in outdoor durability. This use-life estimate is based upon accelerated age studies based on vertical applications under “normal” temperate climates. Please note that exposure to severe temperatures, ultra-violet light and also tropical, sub-tropical or desert regions will cause more rapid deterioration. This also applies to polluted areas, high altitude and south facing exposure. Chemical Resistance A sample is prepared in the same manner as for the Chemical Resistance Test and is immersed in the test fluid followed by drying at each stage. Test Fluid Observation Gasoline (30min) No Effect Distilled Water (24 hrs.) No Effect SAE 20 Motor Oil (1 hr.) No Effect 10% HCL (10min) No Effect 10% NH4OH (10 min) No Effect Limitations 1) The user is responsible for determining the product’s suitability, including adhesion and if needed, removal characteristics when used in applications other than listed specifically in this Performance Guide. 2) If there are any questions about applications, please contact your Mactac sales representative to discuss your requirements for recommendations. 3) If this is a printed Performance Guide it is an uncontrolled document. Please check the Mactac website for the latest, most up-to-date version. Application Application of Sparkle Metallic 6700 is made easier if Mactac pre-spacing tape is used. Where exposures to chemical and solvent spills are likely to occur, edge sealing of decals with a varnish or clear coat will prevent edge lift. Correct varnishing of decals gives greater protection and longer enduse life against any prolonged effect of weathering, abrasion and other erosive effects such as frequent cleaning.

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