Mactac MACmark Glass Décor 700 Translucent Vinyl Frosted


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Mactac MACmark Glass Décor 700 Translucent Vinyl Frosted 9798-01



Mactac MACmark Glass Décor 700 Translucent Vinyl Frosted 9798-01
MACmark® Glass Décor 700
Product Description
MACal Glass Décor 700 series films are translucent vinyl films with white ‘dusted’ and ‘frosted’ finishes
and five translucent “frosted” colors for decoration of glass windows, mirrors or doors for an etched,
frosted or sandblasted look. The face is a translucent matte 3-mil cadmium-free vinyl. The film is
coated with a durable permanent acrylic adhesive with excellent wet out characteristics for clarity. An
83# white kraft liner offers stability and layflat. The product has good dimensional stability and is
designed for excellent cutting and weed ability.
Typical Uses
• Indoor windows
• Glass partition walls
Physical Properties
Property Typical Values Test Method
Thickness, inches (µm)
Film plus adhesive 0.0045 (115)
Peel Adhesion
180° on Stainless Steel
– 30 min.
– 24 hr.
– 1 week
3.2 (14)
3.9 (17)
4.3 (19)
ASTM D-903
Face Material Data, 68°F (20°C)
Tensile strength lbs./0.60in
(N/15 mm)
Elongation % at break
>10 (28)
DIN 53455
Dimensional Stability
(shrinkage) in Percent
48 hours @ 158°F (70°C)

FTM – 14
10” x10” Sample
Bonded to aluminum
Temperature Ranges
End Use:
50° to 104°F (10° to 40°C)
-40° to 194°F (-40° to 90°C)
Flammability Self-extinguishing ISO 3795
Shelf Life
Two years when stored at 75°F (24°C) and 50% relative humidity or less.
Light Properties
UV, Visible & IR (Film applied on 4mm glass) EN410
Optical Properties 708-00 738-00 748-00 758-00 778-00 798-01 798-02
% Energy Reflection 22.87 23.82 23.16 23.83 24.84 22.11 8.41
% Energy Absorption 38.29 27.44 27.89 26.39 20.24 14.43 16.57
% Energy Transmission 38.84 48.74 48.95 49.78 50.29 56.82 75.02
% Luminous Reflection 23.97 22.85 23.65 23.68 23.73 22.93 9.51
% Luminous Transmission 43.53 50.14 53.98 52.87 56.03 62.64 82.20
% Luminous Absorption 32.50 27.01 22.37 23.45 24.87 21.07 8.29
% U.V. Blocked 81.25 83.63 82.11 80.18 87.09 76.56 68.01
% U.V. Transmission 18.75 16.37 17.89 19.82 12.91 23.44 31.99
The outdoor durability of this film is: Indoor and up to 5 years outdoors durability. This use-life estimate
is based upon accelerated age studies. Please note that exposure to severe temperatures, ultra-violet
light and also tropical, sub-tropical or desert regions will cause more rapid deterioration. This also
applies to polluted areas, high altitude and south facing exposure.
Chemical Resistance
This product is resistant to most oils and greases, gasoline (fuels).aliphatic solvents, weak acids and
1) The user is responsible for determining the product’s suitability, including adhesion and if
needed, removal characteristics when used in applications other than listed specifically in this
Performance Guide.
2) If there are any questions about applications, please contact your Mactac sales representative to
discuss your requirements for recommendations.
3) If this is a printed Performance Guide it is an uncontrolled document. Please check the Mactac
website for the latest, most up-to-date version.
1) Application of Glass Décor 700 series films is made easier if MACtransfer® application tape is
used. MACtransfer 210 for medium to large graphics and MACtransfer 220 for small letters
and fine lines.
2) This product can be applied with the wet method.
3) Cleaning Window Films:
a. Use a clean, soft, lint-free cloth.
b. Use off the shelf glass cleaner (Windex, Glass Plus, etc.).
c. Spray the cleaner onto the cloth, not onto the image.
d. Wipe down the image with the wet (do not over saturate) cloth.
e. Immediately dry with a clean soft dry cloth.
f. If the edges of the image are not sealed, take care not to introduce cleaner to the adhesive
as over time edge lifting will occur.
g. MACal Glass Décor 700 series films can be screen-printed. Contact screen ink suppliers
for advice on suitable inks
• Values given are typical and are not necessarily for use in specification. CV979801

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