Nikkalite Pre-Striped Barricade Type IV Engineering Grade (94010 Series) Orange/White 6″ Left stripe 10″ X 50 Yards



Nikkalite Pre-Striped Barricade Type IV Engineering Grade (94010 Series) Orange/White 6″ Left stripe 10″ X 50 Yards
Pre-Striped Barricade
Nikkalite™ Pre-Striped Barricade (PSB) sheeting has alternating 4” or 6” stripes running diagonally at an angle of 45° and comes in orange/white or red/white rolls. The day and night (retroreflective) colors of the orange and red stripes are almost identical, resulting in a sharp contrast between the white stripes and the colored stripes, giving optimum target value.
The material is coated with an aggressive, high-tack pressure sensitive adhesive that will bond well to most substrates used in the construction zone signing. The red and orange stripes are printed under the top film layer so the sheeting is scratch resistant.

– Type IV High Intensity Prismatic (94010 Series)
Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic (HIM)
Nikkalite™ Brand High Intenstity Micro-prismatic (HIM) 94000 series sheeting is a high intensity un-metallized micro-prismatic retro-reflective sheeting designed for production of permanent traffic control signs, construction zone devices and delineators. HIM 94000 series conforms to ASTM D4956-09 Type IV specifications, and is embedded with the logo – HIM for easy identification.

HIM Grade is a retro-reflective sheeting that uses the principle of the retro-reflection of micro-prisms. In the case of a prism-type reflection element, the light reflects efficiently without diminishing, as the three reflection planes that constitute the element and are positioned at right angles in relation to each other, completely reflect within the element. As the specialty prisms designed to provide optimum reflection are densely arranged within the sheeting, excellent brightness characteristics and wide-angle reflection can be obtained. The traffic signs and traffic safety devices made of the reflective sheeting provide far better visibility and withstand a longer service period compared with those that utilize glass beads.

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