OCE be.tex®VALUE-TEX 73″ X 109 YD



OCE be.tex®VALUE-TEX 73″ X 109 YD

The Yarn that is used for be.tex® green Valuetex FR is sustainably produced out of recycled plastic bottles. The fabric is soft, crease free
and opaque. By using the be.tex® green Valuetex FR material, you make a valuable contribution for environment protection. Important: Run
a print test! Many factors influence the textile during printing and application. All technical data were determined according to the current
state of measurement technology and reflect the values of the measurement sample. Despite the highest quality standards, there may be
production deviations – all information are legally non-binding and without guarante

Physical properties***
• Basis Weight – 150 gsm  Caliper – 9 mil Surface Finish: Matte  Whiteness: 128 CIE Brightness: 93 Opacity: 82 Material: 100% Polyester Target Values

Crease resistant
Good flatness
No fraying

Recommended Storage
Conditions and Shelf Life
• Temperature – 50-80°F. (10°-25°C).  Relative humidity – 40%.  Store in original packaging and plastic bag. Best stored in cool dry area. Repack open rolls when not in use. One year at conditions noted above  Allow material to stabilize to room conditions 24 before use.

Environmental, Health & Safety
• No Material Safety Data Sheet required.  Waste is not suitable for recycling

This information is presented as a
general guide and is not a performance
guarantee. The user should determine
prior to use the suitability of the
material for the specific application or
Printer and driver setting need set
up to ensure the best performance.
Appropriate ink loads must be set

for the ink/printer combination being
used. Please refer to the Photo Tex
specification sheet on our website for
specific printer/ink information.
Printer/Ink Compatibility
Photo Tex is recommended for use with
the Océ ColorWave 700 printer. Photo Tex
Original is printable on aqueous pigment
inks, latex, UVgel, UV curable. Please see
the Photo Tex specification sheet for
more specific information on results and
waterfastness with your printer and ink

Display Frame System
Pop-up Displaysystems
Table cloth

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