R Tape VinylEfx: Smooth Mirror Decorative 2826-224 Smooth Mirror Rose Gold (Printable)


SKU: R Tape VinylEfx: Smooth Mirror Decorative Smooth Mirror Cherry-1-1-1-1 Categories:


R Tape VinylEfx: Smooth Mirror Decorative 2826- 224 Smooth Mirror Rose Gold (Printable) VinylEfx products are
metalized PVC films designed to give the appearance of metallic materials or finishes and add special effects to
promotional graphics, signage and decals. Decorative series films provide limited exterior durability. To order
punched material, use part number 2876.
FDC 2826
104 Smooth Mirror Gold (D-3102) (Printable)
107 Smooth Mirror Silver (D-3101) (Printable)
131 Smooth Mirror Cherry (D-3103)

2826 Series – Smooth Mirror Finish 020  Smooth Mirror Satin Copper (Printable)
040  Smooth Mirror Bronze (Printable) 104  Smooth Mirror Gold (Printable) 107  Smooth Mirror Silver (Printable)
186  Smooth Mirror Champagne (Printable) 186  Smooth Mirror Champagne (Printable)
224  Smooth Mirror Rose Gold (Printable)
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