RitRama Cyberkrome Wrap Cast Vinyl


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RitRama Cyberkrome Wrap Cast Vinyl

Cyberkrome Wrap Cast Vinyl
2.8 Mil cast vinyl with repositionable permanent adhesive.
• Up to 2 year outdoor durability.
• Designed for use on slightly curved surfaces.
• ASP33 repositionable permanent solvent adhesive featuring low initial tack.
• New mircro-channel Airflow Release Liner ™ for faster and easier application.
• Great for parital wraps, vehicle accents, interior and exterior signage.
• Silver is solvent printable and scratch resistant. Other colors are not designed for printing.
• NOTE: Low heat may be used during application, but do not exceed 120o or wrinkles may occur. Post heating under 120o recommended.





Ritrama’s Cyberkrome cast chrome vinyl is a highly conformable bright film designed specifically for
whole or partial vehicle wraps and for slightly curved surfaces. This material is available in bright silver,
red, green, blue and yellow versions. Cyberkrome is supplied with Ritrama’s ASP33 repositionable
adhesive and the new micro-channel Airflow Release Liner™ for faster and easier application.

 Vehicle/Fleet wraps
 Vehicle accents
 Interior and Exterior

 Lack of wrinkling and air bubbles
 Repositionable adjustments can be made without damaging the film
 Ideal for irregular, curved or slightly curved applications
 No channel impression on face film
 Roll to car ready

Face Material 2.8 mil cast vinyl
Color and Finish Bright chrome finish
Adhesive ASP 33 repositionable permanent solvent adhesive featuring low initial tack
Liner Air flow release liner™

Average Adhesion Values 20 min. 24 hr.
(PSTC-1, 180° peel @ 10”/min., 73°F, on Stainless Steel) 25 oz. 40 oz.
Minimum Application Temperature 60°F
Service Temperature Range (peak values) -40°F to +200°F
Elongation 100%
Dimensional Stability (48 hrs. @ 150F) .02”
Shelf Life (@ 73°F, 50% RH) 1 year
Outdoor Life 2 years for vertical exposure in a
temperate climate. Exposures less than vertical or in hot climates or near sources of heat such as engines
will reduce durability.

Distilled water (24 hrs.) No effect
Water & detergent (24 hrs.) No effect
SAE 30 motor oil (1hr) No effect
Gasoline (30 minutes) No effect

The above information is based on research believed to be reliable, but does not constitute a warranty.
All material should be tested by the purchaser to determine suitability of the product for their purposes.
May-13 Form 108-01 (1/99)

Product Description

Long-term high performance CAST film with outstanding
dimensional stability and good conformability for applications
onto flat surfaces and moderate curves, designed for full and
partial vehicle wraps.

This exclusive CAST product combines speedy and trouble
free film application, thanks to the Air Flow pattern liner which
allows air to be easily squeezed out during the application and
the permanent repositionable adhesive that thanks to the low
initial tack allows an easy repositioning during application. The
final strong bond ensure a secure and weatherproof finish.
This film as a rule is not printed.

This film is available in 1.52 m wide roll.

Additional Advice

Application: Only dry application.

Substrate Preparation: All surfaces to which the material will be
applied must be thoroughly cleaned with good quality cleaning
solution. Ensure all traces of any contamination and cleaning
agents are totally removed prior to application of the material.
Self Adhesive media should only be applied to OEM painted
surfaces and their use on repaired or damaged paintwork is
not recommended.
The compatibility of lacquers and paints should be tested by
the user prior to the application.

Please refer to our Application Guidelines (Appl_Guide 01.12)
and Application Video (www.ritrama.com) for specific technical
details for the correct application and removal of the media.

Maintenance & Cleaning: Recommended a manual car
washing with non abrasive cleaner. Do not apply waxes or
polishes. Suggested the use of medium power sprayer
pressure, the power sprays must be perpendicular, avoid to hit
the edge at an angle with the power spray they could get

Shelf life

36 months, applicable only to the material in original packaging at

• This material must be stored at a temperature of 22°C ± 2°C and 50 ±
5% of Relative Humidity.
• Storage area must be dry and clean.
• Keep the material in the original packaging when not used in order to
protect it from dust and contamination.
• Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat sources.

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