Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330


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Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330
330 gsm / 24 mil
100% Cotton
Single Sided
Radiant White
Pigment (recommended) / Dye
Mouldmade of 100% cotton, this single-sided natural white paper yields exceptional depth of
color with a velvety !ne art texture. ?e surface of the paper becomes an inherent part of the
!nished print, without overwhelming the image, but adding a !ne art element to the
composition. Basis weight: 255 gsm and 330 gsm. See below. Also available in 190 gsm and 225
gsm, 16.5 mil.
Somerset Enhanced was one of the !rst inkjet !ne art papers to address the needs of
photographers and artists nearly 20 years ago. It continues to be a staple for !ne art reproduction
and photography. Perfect for limited editions demanding a consistent art feel.

I98-SEV3301333R Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330 13 x 33′ Each Moab Medium Texture / Vellum / Wove Radiant White Rolls 1 645248438873
I98-SEV3302433R Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330 24 x 33′ Each Moab Medium Texture / Vellum / Wove Radiant White Rolls 1 645248438880
I98-SEV3304433R Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330 44 x 33′ Each Moab Medium Texture / Vellum / Wove Radiant White Rolls 1 645248438897
I98-SEV3306033R Somerset Enhanced Velvet 330 60 x 33′ Each Moab Medium Texture / Vellum / Wove Radiant White Rolls 1 645248438903

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