UltraFlex VorTex™ Mambo S170



VorTex™ Mambo S170

  • VorTex™ Mambo S170 is a 5.0 oz., woven polyester fabric. The bright white fabric enriches
    colors, producing vivid eye-catching images. VorTex Mambo S170 may be used for a wide
    range of applications especially for backlit applications and LED-framing systems as well as
    indoor banner displays and roll up displays. The material is compatible with UV and Latex
    printing. VorTex Mambo S170 is fire resistant and is available in widths from 63” – 198”.



  • VTXMAMS17016050
  • VTXMAMS17032050
  • VTXMAMS17050550



Vortex Mambo S170 VTXMAMS17016050 3″ 98″ X 164′ (2.52m x 50m) 80 lbs
Vortex Mambo S170 VTXMAMS17032050 3″ 122″ X 164′ (3.10m x 50m) 100 lbs
Vortex Mambo S170 VTXMAMS17050550 3″ 198″  X 164′ (5.05m x 50m) 190 lbs


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